Trust is important in a relationship, especially when one person is in a leadership role. Employees want to know that their managers can be trusted. Trusted leaders inspire people to achieve the goals of the company. Leaders who are trusted retain good employees. Trust doesn’t happen overnight. Here are some ways to instill trust as a leader.

Share Your Vision

Employees who know what the mission and values of the business are will more likely buy into those values.  As your vision changes and expands, share those ideas to let the team know where they stand.

Open and Honest Communication

Transparency with your team about your organization is a key building block to trust. Leaders who do what they say they will when they say they will do it let the team know that their word is good. Of course, there are times when you cannot share information. Being honest and letting your team know that you will share as soon as you can keeps things as open as possible.

Seek Feedback From Employees

Leadership isn’t just about communicating your mission, it’s about listening to those who are carrying it out. Get opinions from your team to see where you can improve. Thank team members for caring and working hard. Let your team participate in change by encouraging ideas. Give credit to those who deserve it.

Look at How You’re Inspiring Trust

Perform some self-reflection to see where you can do better in the trust department. Ask yourself if you’re following through with your promises? Maybe even ask your team or a mentor where you can do better. One thing to note is that trust can more easily be broken than built. Once trust is broken, leaders must take extra care to rebuild that trust.

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